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Year 6

The following resources are links to specifically created parent resources from White Rose 

Place Value

Four operations pt. 1

Four operations pt. 2

Fractions pt. 1

Fractions pt. 2

Position and direction




Converting units

Perimeter, area and volume


Properties and shape



One of the best ways to improve children’s numeracy is school is to ensure that they are firm in their number facts.  This can be done simply by asking them to help you count and calculate things around the house or when you go out on family trips.

These are the Key Facts that children should have completed by the end of the year.  The app 1 Minute Maths by White Rose is a very nice way to practice. It is available on the play store.

Know Number Bonds up to 100

Know the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 times tables

Know prime numbers to 20

Know decimal number bonds 1 to 10

Know square number and the square roots to 12 x 12

Know fraction, decimal and percentage equivalences


Your child may also have access to either MyMaths or IXl from there school and both these provide excellent practice.

Please also encourage your child to take part in the Cayman Rocks Time Table Rock Star Competition.  Your child should know their logins. Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (

Learning times table can often be done through songs and youtube has many examples of these. 


The following resources include specific topics that are covered in Year 6 science

Objectives and Resources

This document includes all national curriculum objectives for Year 6 science and links to various related resources

Working Scientifically Skills Tasks

This folder includes all of the working scientifically skills tasks for Year 6

Home activity resources related to Biodiversity & Habitats, Forces 

Home activity resources related to Animals and Plants

Home activity resources related to Animals, Biodiversity & Habitats, Plants, and Sound

Home activity resources related to Forces, Properties & Uses of Materials

Home activity resources related to Forces, Plants, Properties & Uses of Materials

Home activity resources related to Forces, Properties & Uses of Materials

Home activity resources related to Animals, Electricity, Energy, Light, Properties & Uses of Materials, and States of Matter

Home activity resources related to Animals, Energy, Light, Properties & Uses of Materials


Daily Reading


One of the best ways for children to practice their literacy skills over the summer is by reading daily. This can mean reading an appropriately challenging text independently or listening to a book being read out loud to them. Let’s enjoy reading this summer!


Students can login to to access over 6,000 enhanced digital books that are interesting, exciting, and appealing for young readers. Students can choose to read these books independently or have the computer read the book to them. Parents, guardians and other important adults, join in on the fun this summer and select a myON book to read to your child. 


Make reading a special time this summer and strive to enjoy a great book each day. Track your child’s progress with this chart from Explore Learning.


Your child should have their myON username and password from their school.

Writing Challenge

Use the pictures from Imagine Forest to encourage your child to write this summer. Imagine Forest has over 85 interesting pictures to help children generate ideas and get motivated to write. Visit the webpage with your child and have him/her select a picture that’s interesting. Talk to your child about the picture to help him/her develop ideas and sentences. After talking, have your child write their sentences.


Imagine Forest also has writing prompts specific to summer time. Visit the site with your child and have him/her select one of the 74 summer writing prompts which is interesting.

Storyline online

Storyline Online®, streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations. Readers include Oprah Winfrey, Chris Pine, Rosario Dawson, Viola Davis, Terry Crews, Connie Britton, John Lithgow, Jennifer Garner, Betty White and dozens more.


Each book includes supplemental curriculum developed by a credentialed elementary educator, aiming to strengthen comprehension and verbal and written skills for English-language learners.



Summer Learning CI

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